Title: What makes me uneasy or eases me
Year: 2013
Size: variable
Material/medium: mixt media, installation
Director: Nyubo Abe, Kazuki Akiyoshi
Brief outline: I walked with hate speech demo, who hated me as a Korean. There was some Korean has tears. The tear said have power, that is clean up impurity. Did impurity people’s tear also have a such a power?
Title: What makes me uneasy or eases me
Year: 2013
Size: 可変
Material/medium: ミクストメディア, インスタレーション
Director: 阿部乳坊, 秋吉かずき
Brief outline: 涙には穢れを浄化する作用があるそうです。穢れた者の涙にも浄化の作用はあるのでしょうか?外国人排除運動のデモと共に歩いた記録のインスタレーション。
Kanazawa College of Art presents “The Cosmology of Sculpture”, This exhibition to redefine the sculpture, curated by Nyubo Abe ,Hideaki Watanabe.
Exhibition Dates
Saturday 16 March – Saturday 30 March 2013
Featuring artists
Nyubo Abe ,Hideaki Watanabe ,Soya Arakawa ,Taihei Kimura,Three ,Yumi Song ,Hitoshi Ushijima ,Shunichi Ohtani.
What makes me uneasy or eases me
I walked along with the foreign exclusion demo shout “kill you!”. People were crying in fear and sadness. Might be in store to collect someone’s tears. I walked with a OYASUMI tree and small bottle put a tear. They can not have their own behavior to think why happen. They will not be able to see their own behavior. Anyway I am someone deeply trust.
exhibition shoes when I walked with them , OYASUMI tree , small bottle , notes , etc.