
Title: Breathing
Year: 2008
Size: variable
Material/medium: mixt media, installation
Venue: Artcmplex Center Tokyo, TOKYO, Jpn
Curator: Reiichi Noguchi
Brief outline:

Title: いきづかい
Year: 2008
Size: 可変
Material/medium: ミクストメディア、インスタレーション
Venue: アートコンプレックスセンター
Curator: 野口玲一
Brief outline:

Exhibition Dates

The 2008-08-19 To 2008-08-31, 2008, ※ Closed: on Monday
Yumisong painstakingly scoops up unpleasant sensations she feels in her daily living and weaves them in words with a spice of humor. Her media ranges from reading material accompanied with sound and picture book to video installation and mobile device.